Wooldridge Source: See VOTE1.RAW Data loads lazily.
A data.frame with 186 observations on 26 variables:
state: state postal code
district: U.S. Congressional district
democ: =1 if incumbent democrat
vote90: inc. share two-party vote, 1990
vote88: inc. share two-party vote, 1988
inexp90: inc. camp. expends., 1990
chexp90: chl. camp. expends., 1990
inexp88: inc. camp. expends., 1988
chexp88: chl. camp. expends., 1988
prtystr: percent vote pres., same party, 1988
rptchall: =1 if a repeat challenger
tenure: years in H.R.
lawyer: =1 if law degree
linexp90: log(inexp90)
lchexp90: log(chexp90)
linexp88: log(inexp88)
lchexp88: log(chexp88)
incshr90: 100*(inexp90/(inexp90+chexp90))
incshr88: 100*(inexp88/(inexp88+chexp88))
cvote: vote90 - vote88
clinexp: linexp90 - linexp88
clchexp: lchexp90 - lchexp88
cincshr: incshr90 - incshr88
win88: =1 by definition
win90: =1 if inc. wins, 1990
cwin: win90 - win88
These are panel data, at the Congressional district level, collected for the 1988 and 1990 U.S. House of Representative elections. Of course, much more recent data are available, possibly even in electronic form.
Used in Text: pages 335-336, 478, 699
#> 'data.frame': 186 obs. of 26 variables:
#> $ state : chr "AL" "AL" "AL" "AK" ...
#> $ district: int 2 3 7 1 2 3 4 3 4 2 ...
#> $ democ : int 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ...
#> $ vote90 : int 51 74 71 52 66 57 61 71 72 64 ...
#> $ vote88 : int 94 65 68 62 73 69 87 75 69 59 ...
#> $ inexp90 : num 596096 176550 238446 564759 112373 ...
#> $ chexp90 : num 163663 22989 58952 164732 1445 ...
#> $ inexp88 : num 234923 679297 328296 626377 99607 ...
#> $ chexp88 : num NA 443927 8737 402477 3065 ...
#> $ prtystr : int 62 65 41 60 55 64 65 66 46 58 ...
#> $ rptchall: int 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ tenure : int 26 1 4 17 29 14 4 24 12 4 ...
#> $ lawyer : int 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ...
#> $ linexp90: num 13.3 12.1 12.4 13.2 11.6 ...
#> $ lchexp90: num 12.01 10.04 10.98 12.01 7.28 ...
#> $ linexp88: num 12.4 13.4 12.7 13.3 11.5 ...
#> $ lchexp88: num NA 13 9.08 12.91 8.03 ...
#> $ incshr90: num 78.5 88.5 80.2 77.4 98.7 ...
#> $ incshr88: num NA 60.5 97.4 60.9 97 ...
#> $ cvote : int -43 9 3 -10 -7 -12 -26 -4 3 5 ...
#> $ clinexp : num 0.931 -1.347 -0.32 -0.104 0.121 ...
#> $ clchexp : num NA -2.961 1.909 -0.893 -0.752 ...
#> $ cincshr : num NA 28 -17.23 16.54 1.72 ...
#> $ win88 : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> $ win90 : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> $ cwin : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> - attr(*, "time.stamp")= chr "25 Jun 2011 23:03"