Wooldridge Source: Collected by Professor Leslie Papke, an economics professor at MSU, from the Michigan Department of Education web site, www.michigan.gov/mde, and the U.S. Census Bureau. Professor Papke kindly provided the data. Data loads lazily.
A data.frame with 229 observations on 18 variables:
dcode: district code
bcode: building code
math4: percent satisfactory, 4th grade math
read4: percent satisfactory, 4th grade reading
enroll: school enrollment
exppp: expenditures per pupil, $
free: percent eligible, free lunch
reduced: percent eligible, reduced lunch
lunch: free + reduced
medinc: zipcode median family, $ (1999)
totchild: # of children (in zipcode)
married: # of children in married-couple families
single: # of children not in married-couple families
pctsgle: percent of children not in married-couple families
zipcode: school zipcode
lenroll: log(enroll)
lexppp: log(exppp)
lmedinc: log(medinc)
100, 145-146, 198
#> 'data.frame': 229 obs. of 18 variables:
#> $ dcode : int 63010 63010 63270 63270 63010 63010 63010 63130 63130 63130 ...
#> $ bcode : int 3030 3133 2023 2978 316 5670 1494 1631 1753 2254 ...
#> $ math4 : num 92.8 100 72.1 76.1 95.2 88.6 95.2 66.7 83.9 95.7 ...
#> $ read4 : num 82.5 94.3 46.5 65.7 80.6 72.7 90.5 46.3 44.6 56.5 ...
#> $ enroll : int 607 370 220 356 329 331 288 452 428 238 ...
#> $ exppp : num 6620 6620 5608 5830 6620 ...
#> $ free : num 1 0 5.9 8.1 0.3 1.2 12.2 50.2 40.2 24.4 ...
#> $ reduced : num 0.7 0 5 2.8 0.3 0.9 5.2 17.5 10 17.6 ...
#> $ lunch : num 1.7 0 10.9 10.9 0.6 2.1 17.4 67.7 50.2 42 ...
#> $ medinc : int 110322 110322 65119 65119 109313 109313 109313 43750 43750 43750 ...
#> $ totchild: int 4076 4076 2524 2524 3486 3486 3486 4651 4651 4651 ...
#> $ married : int 3542 3542 2091 2091 3241 3241 3241 3258 3258 3258 ...
#> $ single : int 534 534 433 433 245 245 245 1393 1393 1393 ...
#> $ pctsgle : num 13.1 13.1 17.16 17.16 7.03 ...
#> $ zipcode : int 48009 48009 48017 48017 48025 48025 48025 48030 48030 48030 ...
#> $ lenroll : num 6.41 5.91 5.39 5.87 5.8 ...
#> $ lexppp : num 8.8 8.8 8.63 8.67 8.8 ...
#> $ lmedinc : num 11.6 11.6 11.1 11.1 11.6 ...