Wooldridge Source: Culled from a panel data set used by Leslie Papke in her paper “The Effects of Spending on Test Pass Rates: Evidence from Michigan” (2005), Journal of Public Economics 89, 821-839. Data loads lazily.
A data.frame with 1848 observations on 14 variables:
distid: district identifier
schid: school identifier
lunch: percent eligible, free lunch
enrol: enrollment
staff: staff per 1000 students
exppp: expenditures per pupil
avgsal: average teacher salary, $
avgben: average teacher non-salary benefits, $
math4: percent passing 4th grade math test
story4: percent passing 4th grade reading test
bs: avgben/avgsal
lavgsal: log(avgsal)
lenrol: log(enrol)
lstaff: log(staff)
Starting in 1995, the Michigan Department of Education stopped reporting average teacher benefits along with average salary. This data set includes both variables, at the school level, and can be used to study the salary-benefits tradeoff, as in Chapter 4. There are a few suspicious benefits/salary ratios, and so this data set makes a good illustration of the impact of outliers in Chapter 9.
Used in Text: pages 166-167, 341-342
#> 'data.frame': 1848 obs. of 14 variables:
#> $ distid : num 1010 2010 2020 2070 3010 3010 3010 3020 3020 3020 ...
#> $ schid : int 4937 4959 4999 597 790 1403 4056 922 2864 4851 ...
#> $ lunch : num 48.3 51.5 51.2 33.7 11.9 ...
#> $ enrol : num 539 59 82 409 259 337 589 450 380 281 ...
#> $ staff : num 71.1 127.1 122.6 77.5 87.6 ...
#> $ exppp : num 3586 4357 5667 2752 3253 ...
#> $ avgsal : num 39383 25622 31318 27873 31264 ...
#> $ avgben : num 13656 10004 12645 9657 10017 ...
#> $ math4 : num 68 40 57.1 63.2 56.4 ...
#> $ story4 : num 70.7 40 57.1 73.5 64.1 ...
#> $ bs : num 0.347 0.39 0.404 0.346 0.32 ...
#> $ lavgsal: num 10.6 10.2 10.4 10.2 10.4 ...
#> $ lenrol : num 6.29 4.08 4.41 6.01 5.56 ...
#> $ lstaff : num 4.26 4.84 4.81 4.35 4.47 ...
#> - attr(*, "time.stamp")= chr "25 Jun 2011 23:03"